Health and Social Care Committee


Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 1 - Senedd




Meeting date:

Wednesday, 4 June 2014




Meeting time:

09.16 - 11.49




This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at:



Concise Minutes:




Assembly Members:


David Rees AM (Chair)

Leighton Andrews AM

Rebecca Evans AM

Janet Finch-Saunders AM

Elin Jones AM

Darren Millar AM

Lynne Neagle AM

William Powell AM

Gwyn R Price AM

Lindsay Whittle AM








Mark Drakeford AM, Minister for Health and Social Services

Dr Sandra Sandham, Welsh Government

David Thomas, Welsh Government






Committee Staff:


Llinos Madeley (Clerk)

Sarah Sargent (Deputy Clerk)

Philippa Watkins (Researcher)







View the meeting transcript.




1    Introductions, apologies and substitutions


1.1 The Chair welcomed members of the Committee, the Minister and his officials, and members of the public to the meeting.

1.2 Apologies were received from Kirsty Williams.




2    Inquiry into orthodontic services in Wales: Evidence session 3


2.1 The Minister responded to questions from the Committee.

2.2 The Minister agreed to ask Professor Stephen Richmond to consider the need for a minimum age for referral to orthodontic services, aside from the 2% of children quoted by the Chief Dental Officer as having an identified need for early referral.




3    Papers to note


3.1 The Committee noted the minutes of the previous meetings.




4    Motion under Standing Order 17.42(vi) to resolve to exclude the public for item 5 and under Standing Order 17.42(ix) for item 6


4.1 The motion was agreed.




5    Inquiry into access to medical technologies - consideration of the key issues


5.1 The Committee considered the key issues that have arisen from the inquiry.

5.2 The Committee noted its view that further exploration of access to medical technologies within primary care and social care is required before completing this inquiry. The Committee agreed to invite representatives from the British Medical Association, the Association of Directors of Social Services, Local Health Boards and Local Authorities, and any other relevant organisations, to explore these matters further.




6    Consideration of the Committee's forward work programme for the autumn term 2014


6.1 The Committee agreed to:

·         undertake an inquiry into legal highs in the autumn term. The Committee will consider its approach to the inquiry in due course;

·         invite the Older People's Commissioner to give evidence in the autumn term, particularly to discuss her review of residential care and her annual report;

·         invite the Chief Medical Officer to attend a general scrutiny session in the autumn term as part of the Committee’s programme of scrutiny of Wales’s Chief Health Professionals;

·         invite Government officials to provide a factual briefing on the regulations emanating from the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 in the autumn term, once draft regulations are published;

·         raise, amongst other things, the following issues with the Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Services during the scheduled general scrutiny session on 16 July:

o   the Auditor General for Wales' report on the management of chronic conditions;

o   GP recruitment, retention and training;

o   recent reports on cardiac surgery waiting times;

·         consider matters relating to NHS Wales’s complaints process, to be specifically informed by the Report on the Review of Concerns (Complaints) Handling within NHS Wales, led by Keith Evans, once the report is available.

